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Nia...The FreeThinker

Full Name: Nia Bright Purpose

Age: 6

Eye colour: Fire Agate Brown
Hair type: Fun & Fluffy Afro Puffy

Skin tone: Deep Honey

Likes: Cookies and dancing

Blessing Gift: Purposeful thought

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Most people say I have my head in the clouds, I say I am a free thinker! 
I'm never afraid to ask the question ‘why?’ 

I believe that I am capable of doing amazing things. I keep my head in the clouds because I know that I am a star. 

When I grow up I want to be just like Dr Mae Jamison (the first black woman in space). Dr Mae Jamison said:
“Never be limited by other people’s limited imaginations.”


What makes me beautiful is my curiosity, my strength and my quirky character. 

I spread love, light and joy everywhere I go!


I just love to laugh. I'm very kind and I give my mummy the best cuddles and I always look out for my baby sister Johari.

I am funny, friendly and a fantastic free thinker! 

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